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The Flip Potgieter Awards for Outstanding Mathematics Achievement in 2023 were organized jointly by the Govan Mbeki Maths Development Centre and the Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Department. The ceremony took place on 14 March 2024 at the Bird Street Campus.

The recipients of the awards were:

Best in 1st Year Mathematics: Mr. TJ Palframan, achieving an impressive average of 97%

Best in 2nd Year Mathematics : Miss H Britz also boasting an average of 97%

Best in 3rd Year Mathematics : Mr AT Cherera with a commendable average of 74%

Among the attendees were Mrs. Sally Potgieter, widow of the late Mr. Flip Potgieter, along with representatives from the Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Department, namely Prof. Z Tshentu and Dr M Weigt. Additionally, from GMMDC led by Prof. W Olivier and a representative from SRMA, Ms. Buyiswa Yaya, were present at the event.