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The Strategic Resource Mobilisation and Advancement (SRMA) office contributes the following to resource mobilisation and advancement at Nelson Mandela University:

  • planning, coordinating, supporting, building capacity and reporting on resource mobilisation across the University
  • undertaking resource mobilisation initiatives aligned to the University’s development trajectory;
  • advancing the University through alumni relations, and
  • managing strategic projects assigned to the SRMA.

Strategic Resource Mobilisation and Advancement (SRMA) was established in 2017 as part of the re-imagining of resource mobilisation at Nelson Mandela University. It arose out of a need to enhance the medium- and long-term financial sustainability of the University by boosting resource mobilisation, establishing a coordinating mechanism for resource mobilisation at a strategic level and generally ensuring resource mobilisation initiatives were aligned to the University’s development trajectory. In 2020 the Alumni Relations Office was added to the SRMA.

The SRMA is headed by a Senior Director, who reports to the Vice-Chancellor. It has three main arms – a Bursaries and Scholarships Directorate focusing on mobilising funding for this important area; a Directorate for Alumni Relations; and a Directorate for Capital Resource Mobilisation and Special Projects (including engagement projects).

It also provides logistical and administrative support to the Nelson Mandela University Trust and the Nelson Mandela University Investment Company in terms of a service level agreement concluded in 2018. In order to achieve its objectives, the SRMA works closely with the DVCs, Faculties and other offices and entities involved in resource mobilisation at the University.

The current staff complement of the SRMA is:

  • Dr Denver Webb (Senior Director: Strategic Resource Mobilisation and Advancement)
  • Ms Jennilee Bezuidenhout (Office Coordinator)
  • Dr Sibongile Sowazi (Director Bursaries and Scholarships) Donate to our Bursaries and Scholarships
  • Ms Buyiswa Yaya (Manager: Bursaries and Scholarships)
  • Ms Sheree Gerber (New Business Coordinator)
  • Ms Yolanda Matshoba (Professional Services Officer, Bursaries)
  • Dr Oswald Franks (Special Projects Support)
  • Ms Tshidi Hashatse (Managing Executive: Nelson Mandela University Investment Company)

The Alumni Relations Office, headed by Mr Paul Geswindt, also forms part of the SRMA. Donate to our Alumni Fund

The special projects undertaken by the SRMA includes supporting government develop an Eastern Cape Oceans Economy Master Plan.

Read about the Eastern Cape Oceans Economy Master Plan